Prayers for Linda Malone Vaughn, high school friend. Her husband passed away yesterday afternoon unexpectedly. She lives in Virginia.
Please pray for Theresa Sady. She has heart blockage and liver damage.
God has open a door of a new opportunity for me. Please pray for wisdom and favor in order for me to do this new job. 🙏🏼🙏🏼 This is a new position that I’ve never done before. Thank you for you prayers.
Please pray the following for Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae, and for all of you. 1. “Ask the Lord of the harvest, to send out his angels into his harvest field.” -Luke 10:2 2. “But when someone stronger(Jesus) than he(demon, unclean spirits, = thieves and robbers, John10:8) attacks him and overpowers him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he had relied and distributes his plunder.”-Luke 11:22 3. Help all of us keep the commandments according to the will of Jesus Christ and let God’s promised kingdom come. 4. Pray for Jesus Christ to reveal to each of us the work of Father God and for that will to be done perfectly and holy. 5. Let all of us worship Father God in the Spirit and in truth but let us worship not according to a person’s will but solely by the will intended by Jesus.
My mind is badly tormented. Very badly. Years ago I took an interest in Wicca and “powers”. It may be related to that. I seek prayers for freedom and deliverance.
Please pray for God to bring me together with the Husband he has for me by faith and that he bring all my friends who are also waiting on their spouses for God to bring them together with their husbands/wives too so we can all rejoice together. Pray for breakthrough and that God move every mountain in the way of His will today. Pray for a “rainbow house” (God knows). Pray for lots of love, life, and redeeming grace, healing and restoration. Pray to be passionate about what God wants me to be passionate about and for God to provide good things to make, do and work on. Pray God save and bless my family and loved ones that they would know him, reject the world’s ways, and choose all God’s ways - pray God be glorified in us - many I love do not know Him. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s power in order to live as God wants us to live and walk as he walked. Pray God be glorified in all these things in Jesus name.
Please pray for a man that is like a son to me. His wife died of cancer around 6 weeks ago. He is , now, a broken man. The anguish is destroying him even though his is an extremely devout saved christian. His name is Pete Moolah. He truly needs God's intervention, blessing and help. Please pray for him. Thank you
Please pray for Suzy. She has a cancerous tumor.
Please pray for my brother, Bob Morgan. He lives in FL. He has covid. He already has other health problems. Thank you.
Please pray for my friend Lauren and her husband Evan. She lives in Oklahoma. I met her in PA school and we became close. She was pregnant with her second child and had an ultrasound showing the baby was very small. He was delivered at 1 lb 2 oz. They had 3 days with him and the Lord took him home. Pray for comfort and peace as they mourn the loss of their son.
Please pray for James. He’s a little boy who has had a rough year with health issues. He needs for God to heal him.
Please pray for a 2 year old who is experiencing major health concerns. Pray for his medical team and family. Pray for God to provide complete healing.
I met a lady named Bobby today. She has been going through a divorce for about a year and a half. Her nerves are bad. She has to find a place to move and a job. Please pray for her.
I just found out one of my high school classmates has stage 4 cancer and blood clots in both of her lungs. She is in ICU under intubation fighting for every breath she takes. much. Please pray for her healing and for her family.
Please pray for Arlon. He has had shots put in his eyes due to bleeding and has to go back for more shots.
Please pray for Elaine. She has macular degeneration. She has already lost part of her eyesight.
Please pray that Jesus Christ would draw my wife Taelyrs heart TO Himself. That He would reveal Himself to her in a way that will ultimately glorify Himself and draw her to a love with Him that is deeper than she has ever known
Please pray for my mom Leslie. She is currently going through chemo to make sure her cancer is gone and doesn't come back. The Lord has been with her. Please pray that Jesus Christ in His grace and mercy will continue to help her and heal her and that everything will be well for her. The rest of my family needs prayer at this time too. Please pray for my dad Kevin and the rest of my family, some of them need to be saved. Thank you. May God bless you all.
Please pray for me. I struggle a lot with being single and I truly desire to be married. I worry a lot that I will never get married and I need God's mercy and help with finding the right Christian lady to marry. I really do desire a marriage that is blessed by God, Proverbs 18:22. Please pray that Jesus Christ in His mercy and grace will help me find and marry a wife who is beautiful to me, the helpmeet who is right and best for me. Please pray that Jesus Christ will help me be a good husband. Thank you. May God bless all of you and your church family.
My dad's memory is getting worse. He is 87 years old. Since his hip surgery, he has to use a walker and the physical therapist said he won't get any better. My brother had set up a caregiver to go to our Dad's home twice a week, but my Dad didn't want the help. My brother cancelled the service. He isn't driving anymore. He really needs the help, but can't see it. He can afford it.
Please pray for Patrice Moolah. She has had multiple bouts with cancer and now she has cancer in her intestines. Also, please pray for her husband, Pete Moolah, to overcome the anguish of his wife's intestinal cancer.
Please pray for my co-worker, Judy. She slipped and fell on the concrete floor at work and hurt her knees. 2/16/2021: Follow up - her leg was broken and she had surgery on it.
My husband, Jesse, has diabetic retinopathy and will have surgery on his eyes on the morning of February 1st. He will have to go back once a month for other procedures to be done on his eyes.
I have several prayer requests for coworkers and/or their family member: Tim Greene- heart issues, Mae Antrican- Covid and Betty Kinsler - hernia surgery Dec 31st. Thank you!
This Prayer has been answered!
Angie received Nov 21, 2020
Prayed for 168 times
Please pray that all the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes reach the children globally who need them in Jesus’ Holy Name. Also, pray for all those workers/missionaries who will be delivering them during this national pandemic. May each shoebox contain exactly what each child has needs for.